Transcript of the video:
Soon after Rev. E.P. Scott was a missionary to India, One day he passed a man of unusual appearance. A man from a wild mountain tribe, unreached by the gospel. Mr. Scott prayed over the matter. . .Against the pleadings of his friends. . .H e decided to visit the tribe. As he neared their village. . . He was ambushed by a war party. They seize him. Spears pointed at his heart. With no hope of escape. . . Scott carmly open his violin case . . .Breathed a prayer. . . and began to sing “all Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name!” At every kindred, every tribe. . . He opened his eyes. . .The warriors stood in tears. . .Spears lowed. . .Mr. Scott was allowed into the village. He speared two years with them, many believed in Christ.
Beautiful story...It is so interesting how God often uses music coupled with words of truth about Him to reach hearts. I love the song All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name :) This is one of my favorite versions: